Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reasons to be Happy

1. You are unique. There’s no-one on the planet quite like you!
2. You are loved – probably much more than you realise.
3. You have the chance to give love to others.
4. You still have time to change your life.
5. You have the chance to be creative, and experiment with your gifts.
6. You can explore your interests and learn new things.
8. You have the chance to enjoy the gift of laughter.
9. You can experience and enjoy eating, sleeping, friendships, music, the beauty of nature, animals, the scent of flowers, etc.
10. Even when today has been a bad day, you get a new start tomorrow – and can turn a fresh page.
11. You can dance, sing, jog, ski, cycle, run a marathon – or participate in any sports or form of exercise that brings you pleasure.
12. You can travel, meet new people, and broaden your perspective on life.
13. You can hang out at a lake or you can walk along the beach – and enjoy skimming stones, and being a kid again.
14. You can splash in puddles in the rain, or skate on the ice, or throw snowballs at your friends.
15. You can choose to make a difference in someone else’s life, and brighten their day, and bring a smile to their face.

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