Friday, June 14, 2013

Big 5 Personality Traits & Relationships

Big 5 Personality Traits & Relationships
The Big 5 Personality Factors are general traits that describe our personalities. They are Openness, Contentiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. They are a measure of understanding our personalities and what makes us who we are. How do these 5 factors help to define us and what do they each mean for our relationships?

·        Openness. Also called Openness to Experience, this factor describes our intellectual curiosity, imagination, creativity and our preference for variety over routine. A persons openness, or their possession of these traits would make them a more flexible partner who is up for anything and able to enjoy a variety of activities and scenarios with their partner. They don’t have a narrow view of what a relationship should be and are open minded when it comes to the possibilities for their relationships.
·        Contentiousness. This describes our self-discipline, organization, planning and dependability. In a relationship, this would be portrayed through our ability to be monogamous and faithful to our partners despite temptation, as well as our willingness to be in a committed relationship that requires planning our lives alongside another persons. Our conscientiousness would also affect how we organize our thoughts and emotions during conflict and how we plan for the future of our relationships.
·        Extraversion. This factor describes our assertiveness, how outgoing we are, and our desire to seek the company of other people. Being either an extrovert or an introvert doesn’t make us more or less likely to be in a successful relationship, but rather it indicates the type of other people we are compatible with and what type of social situations we are most comfortable in. For example, an introvert and an extrovert can be successful partners, but would need to find balance in the amount of social stimulation that they each need in the relationship. Understanding and respecting your partners level of extraversion will help with the success of your relationship.
·        Neuroticism. This factor describes our levels of unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, vulnerability, insecurity or anger. It also describes our emotional stability. Our level of neuroticism impacts our relationships in the way that we feel secure and confident in ourselves. Someone who is highly neurotic may have low self esteem and experience a lot of self doubt and anxiety, making it difficult to trust their partners with their emotions.
·        Agreeableness. This factor examines our ability to trust, be compassionate, and helpful and cooperative. Someone who is highly agreeable would make a good partner as they would be very trustworthy and would make their partner’s emotions and well being a top priority. A high level of agreeableness would also mean that a person is willing to work together on the relationship and lend their help and support to their partner when needed.

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