Sunday, February 24, 2013

12 Ways to Keep The Fire Burning

If you’ve been in a relationship for a while you know how easy it can be to fall into a routine of the same old, same old. Keep things hot by mixing it up with these fun and unique ideas:
  1. Try new activities together. Usually spend Friday nights watching movies on the couch? Try out a new activity together like bowling, mini golf or eating a new type of cuisine on your next date. Getting out of your comfort zone as a couple is not only fun but will bring you closer together too.
  2. Spend time apart. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so spend time with other groups of friends. You’ll look forward to seeing each other afterwards and have lots to talk about. Being apart makes you appreciate being together.
  3. Look your best. It’s great to be comfortable around your partner, but after a while it’s easy to let yourself go. Too many nights in wearing sweats and an old t-shirt can send the message that you just don’t care as much as you used to. Try dressing up a little and putting a bit more care into your appearance the way you did when you were first trying to catch their eye. You’ll feel hotter and they’ll definitely notice.
  4. Pick each other up. Just for fun, try going out to a party or coffee shop and pretending that you don’t know each other. Take turns trying to catch each others eye and trying to impress the other with your best pick up lines. Your smooth talking will either be hot or have you both laughing – both are fun and a great way to spice it up.
  5. Get competitive.  Challenge each other to a darts tournament, an arm wrestling competition, or anything that gets the competitive spirit going. You’ll both be fired up and a little competitive tension can be red hot.
  6. Get physical.  Working up a sweat on a hike, at the gym, or playing a team sport together gets your adrenaline and endorphins pumping. Physical activity boosts serotonin, the feel-good hormone, which will put you both in great spirits and give you a natural high. Added bonus: you get to check each other out in workout gear.
  7. Send love notes. Take the time once in a while to write a note or email to your significant other. Surprise them with it when they least expect it and use it as an opportunity to tell them all the reasons why you think they’re special. If you’re lucky, they’ll reciprocate!
  8. Get touchy.  This isn’t about looking to score, but rather it’s about finding subtle ways to touch and show your affection. Maybe it’s touching their arm when you’re talking or touching their back while you walk together. These little touches throughout the day are a reminder of how close you are.
  9. Work together.  Start a blog together, train for a race, or volunteer together. Working on a project is both fun and rewarding. The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel from setting a goal and working towards it together will deepen the bond between you, not to mention give you something fun to do together
  10. Do something nice, just because. You don’t need a special occasion to surprise each other with little treats: a favorite dessert, renting their favorite movie, or bringing chocolates to your next date. In fact, surprising them with little treats on any old day shows that you care EVERY day, not just on big occasions.
  11. Re-create your first date. Surprise them by re-creating your very first date together. Try to remember all of the little details – what you wore, the music you listened to, or what you ordered for dinner. It’s fun to remember how much you liked each other back then, and to look at how far you’ve come since then.
  12. Pay a compliment – often! It’s easy to take each other for granted when you’ve been together for a while. It’s important to remember why you like each other and to verbalize it so that they know it too. Love their jokes or the way they always make the best playlists? Tell them! Try to compliment each other often so that you both know how special you are to each other

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