Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Survive A Breakup

Regardless of who broke up with whom, breaking up is tough. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, it WILL get better. Here are the Dos and Don’ts of how to make it through:
·         Hang out with your friends.  Your friends will be your lifesavers during this time. Turn to them when you need a shoulder to cry on or when you need a distraction and want to have some fun. They’ll build you up and help give you confidence when you need it the most.
·         Start a new project. Start that blog you’ve always wanted to or start training for that half marathon. Having a fun new project on your plate will give you something positive to throw yourself into for a distraction and achieving a goal will give you something to feel good about.
·         Go easy on yourself. Don’t beat yourself up about what went wrong or how you should have or could have done things differently. Cut out the negative self-talk and instead give yourself a break and be kind to yourself.
·         Give it space. You might think you want to be friends with your ex and one day you might be. But in the short term, give it some space. You need time to heal before you can expect to be BFFs with your ex. It’s also hard to go from holding hands one day and just being pals the very next. Don’t rush it. If you’re meant to be friends it will happen in due time.
·         Take good care of yourself. Too upset to eat or sleep? Try to do it anyway. Even if you’re really upset you need to make sure to take care of yourself. You’ll never feel better emotionally if you feel lousy physically.
·         Make a list. You’re probably going over and over all of the things you loved about him or her. But the truth is there were probably a lot of things that you didn’t like. Did they talk with their mouth full? Constantly interrupt you? Listen to music that drove you nuts? Make a list of all of the things that got on your nerves or that you didn’t like about your ex.
·         Enjoy the perks of being single. Flirt with someone else. Spend a whole weekend hanging out with your friends without feeling like you’re neglecting your significant other. Enjoy the freedom of being able to do whatever you want!

·         Trash your ex. It might feel good in the short term to blast your ex all over Facebook or talk trash to anyone who will listen, but resist the urge and take the high road. In the long term you’ll feel badly about not being the bigger person. Stay classy.
·         Play games. Don’t pretend that you have a hot new boyfriend or girlfriend if you don’t. Don’t tell everyone that you were the one who broke up with them if you really were the one who got dumped. Playing games takes too much energy and it’s all focused in the wrong place. Just be yourself and you’ll be able to put the breakup behind you way faster than if you dwell on it and pretend to be something you’re not.
·         Beg. Even if you can’t imagine life without them, don’t beg them to take you back or stay with you. You want someone to be with you because they want to, not because you had to convince them or beg them.
·         Drown your sorrows. You should distract yourself with fun, positive activities with your friends, but don’t turn to drugs and alcohol to numb your feelings.
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