Sunday, April 28, 2013

10 Signs That It’s Moving Too Fast

1.    Too much commitment too soon. Does one of you want to commit more than the other? Do they want you to make a bigger commitment than you’re really ready for? Asking too much from the relationship when it doesn’t feel right yet means that it’s moving too fast.
2.    Meeting the family too soon. Are they trying to get you to have dinner with their parents after the first date? Are you rushing to bring them home to your family right away? Meeting the parents is something that you should do after you’ve been together a while and know that you really like each other. Getting families involved right off the bat is a sign that things are going too quickly.
3.    Talking about the future. It’s okay to have casual discussions about the future, but if they are planning your wedding and picking out names for your future children it’s probably going too fast.
4.    Acting like an old married couple. New couples should be enjoying the honeymoon phase and having fun. If you’re staying in night after night and acting like an old married couple then you are trying to take things too fast. Don’t be in such a hurry to settle down.
5.    You never see your friends. It’s tempting to spend all your time together when you first start dating, but if you never spend any time with your friends anymore it’s a sign that the relationship is moving too quickly. Take a breath and spend time apart.
6.    Your life suffers. If your grades are slipping, you’re job performance is suffering or you can’t keep up your commitments because you’re so into your new relationship, then it’s definitely moving too fast. Don’t let other areas of your life suffer at the expense of your relationship.
7.    You feel pressured. You should feel relaxed and at ease with each other, not pressured and stressed out. If you can’t relax in the relationship then maybe it’s too much, too soon.
8.    Your gut doesn’t feel right. Sometimes you can’t quite pin point it, but something about the relationship just doesn’t feel right. A good relationship should be easy and almost effortless. If your gut is telling you otherwise then it might just be moving too quickly for you.
9.    People are commenting. If your parents or friends are constantly saying “gee, I haven’t seen you in ages” or “where have you been?” then chances are it’s moving too fast. You don’t need to drop off the face of the earth in order to spend every second together.
10. You feel a sense of urgency. If you constantly feel rushed and have a sense that things need to happen right now then maybe you’re just moving too fast. You don’t need to commit, plan your future, etc. this very moment. If you always feel a sense of urgency in your relationship it might be a sign to slow it down.

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