Sunday, April 28, 2013

Relationship Spring Cleaning

Spring is the time of year for starting fresh and cleaning out the old. It’s also a great time to spring clean your relationships. Here are some ways to breathe new life into all of your relationships:

·        Forgive. If you’ve been holding a grudge or harboring feelings of ill will about something, it’s time to let it go. Make peace with the issue and forgive your friend or partner. You’ll feel better if you can let go and move forward.
·        Have an important conversation. Have you been avoiding having an important talk with someone close to you? Maybe you’ve needed to confess something or confront someone about something that’s on your mind. Spring is the perfect time to do that. Get the courage up to sit them down and do it. You’ll feel way better once you’ve gotten it off your chest.
·        Get rid of a toxic friend. If there’s someone in your life who simply isn’t good for you, this is a good time to let them go. Get people out of your life who are negative and who aren’t contributing to making you happy.
·        Apologize. If you’re in the wrong about something, this is a great time to say you’re sorry. Apologize for whatever you did that was wrong or hurtful. You’ll be able to move forward and feel good knowing that you did the right thing by taking ownership of your mistakes.
·        Tell your friends how much you appreciate them. We are all guilty of taking our friends for granted. They’re always there when we need them and it’s easy to get complacent and forget to tell them how much we appreciate them. Spring clean your friendships by taking the time to let your friends know how great you think they are.
·        End a stale relationship. Spring is a good time to let go of a relationship that just isn’t working anymore. Breaking up is hard, but spring symbolizes new life and new growth, so if your relationship is stale and you aren’t growing together as a couple, it’s a good time to end it and move on.
·        Speak up. If you are upset about something or something is on your mind, speak up about it and let the other person know how you feel. Spring clean your relationships by voicing your opinions and concerns that you’ve kept quiet. Turn over a new leaf by promising yourself to speak up and not keep things bottled up.
·        Ask someone out. If there’s someone you’ve had your eye on for a long time but have been too shy to ask them out, now is the time to go for it. Spring fever is in the air and it’s a great time for a fresh start and a new relationship. Take a chance and ask them out. You never know until you try!

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