Thursday, April 25, 2013

10 Signs That They Are Selfish

Is your relationship all about them? Does everything revolve around them and their needs, or is it an equal partnership? Here are 10 signs that your boyfriend/girlfriend is selfish:

1.    You never hang out with your friends. Are you always spending time with their friends or their family but never yours? If so, you need to wonder why they seem to think that their friends are more important than yours.
2.    Your dates are always around their schedule. If everything needs to take place when it works for them and they never consider what your schedule is, then you might wonder if they think that their life takes priority over yours.
3.    You’ve met their parents but they haven’t met yours. If you’re having Sunday dinners at their house every week and going to their Grandma’s birthday party but they haven’t even met your folks it could be a sign that they just don’t think that your family is that important.
4.    They don’t ask questions about you. You know all about what’s going on in their life, what they’re doing at work, what their summer plans are and what book they’re currently reading. But if they never even ask about you, what you’re up to or what you’re thinking, chances are they don’t care as much about you as they do about themselves.
5.    It’s all take and no give. Do you give, give, give but never receive? If you’re always doing things for them, treating them and surprising them with thoughtful gestures and you never receive any in return then it sounds like they want to reap all the rewards of your relationship without expecting to make any effort in return.
6.    They act without considering others. When making decisions do they think about how other people will be affected? Do they act without considering others and their feelings? If yes, they are truly only thinking of themselves.
7.    They make everything about themselves. Does every conversation wind up revolving around them? Do they turn every story into something about them? Chances are they aren’t even listening to you talk before trying to get the conversation back to themselves.
8.    Nothing is their fault. Do they accept blame or is it always someone else’s fault? Selfish people think that they are never in the wrong and are constantly assigning blame to anyone other than themselves.
9.    They are the expert on everything. They seem to know everything about every subject and are the authority on everything including you and what you feel, think and what’s best for you. If they don’t even bother to ask your opinion because they assume they already know then you have a selfish partner on your hands.
10. They can’t compromise. Does every argument or decision end with you giving in to what they want? That’s because selfish people aren’t interested in compromising. It’s their way or the highway.

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