Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Behavior Study: Five (Kind of) Unknown Psychological States

*Keep in mind these aren’t very 100% proven, and are only proposed theories/food for thought. 
  1. Normopathy: Coined by psychiatric theorist, Christoper Bollas, Normopathy is used to describe a person who’s obsessively fixated on blending into whatever the rest of the crowd is doing. We’ve all experienced a little of it at one point, but a bad case of Normopathy is extremely unhealthy. Someone with Normopathy will break themselves down until they have no unique personality, and will almost shape-shift to conform to whatever surrounding they find themselves in. This is obviously very difficult and hard on the esteem of the person, so a violent outburst once in a while isn’t too uncommon. 
  2. Repetition Compulsion: This one’s courtesy of Sigmund Freud, so you know it’ll be a fun one. A lot of us have a habit of repetition; maybe you like watching one movie over a couple of times, or make yourself the same lunch for a few days. That’s not too weird. But Freud was more interested in analyzing the bad choices that we choose to compulsively repeat. One article mentioned bad dating choices as an example, and that’s a perfect comparison. Why do you date the same type of person over and over if it keeps ending badly? According to Freud, this method of going back to an old decision is us secretly wanting to go back all the way before we were alive. You know, when we were dead. It’s part of his “Death Drive” theory. 
  3. Aporia: This is basically that really weird, almost empty feeling you get when you find out something you thought was completely true - is not. This theory was put together in the Greco-Roman days, but is still relevant today thanks to this giant ball of information constantly giving us facts that may or may not be true: the internet! 
  4. Sublimation: Here’s another theory by Sigmund Freud. It’s no secret that Freud placed a lot of importance on the human sex drive; and Sublimation is pretty much the most famous of his sex-driven theories, though it’s name isn’t too well known. According to this, everything that you do is fueled by your desire to ~*~ procreate ~*~. If you dedicate an hour or two to painting an awesome portrait, it’s because you were really sexually frustrated, not because you love art. Sublimation means to transfer that desire and take it out on something else, something productive and usually artsy. 
  5. Enthrallment: W. Gerrad Parrot, a professor in Psychology, put together a list of categories under which human emotions fall. He ended up adding one in there, one he hadn’t seen addressed before: Enthrallment. What this is, is a feeling of powerful emotion, almost like love or lust, but not either of those things. It’s the kind of feeling you get while watching an amazing performance of something you’re passionate about, or listening to someone with a great voice sing live. It’s exhilaration + inspiration without it having to be intimate. 

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