Thursday, March 7, 2013

10 Signs That It Just Isn’t Working

You’ve been through ups and downs together, good times, and bad. You’ve had problems and have tried your best to communicate and work through them. But sometimes there comes a time when you realize it just isn’t working anymore. Here are 10 signs to watch for:

1.    You keep having the same fights. Even though you resolve to work on your issues, if the same stuff keeps coming up over and over again in your fights it’s clearly not getting worked out.
2.    The idea of losing them isn’t that scary. When it’s meant to be the idea of breaking up seems like the end of the world. But if you can picture life without them and it actually doesn’t seem that bad, then there’s a good indicator that it’s not working.
3.    You just feel exhausted. When seeing them feels like a chore because you know you’re just going to argue or nag at each other, and you feel tired before you even start, it’s not a good sign. Seeing him or her should be fun, not a burden.
4.    You’re looking at what else is out there. Maybe you’re not acting on it, but if you’ve started to check out other guys/girls and have been considering who else might be out there for you, then you’ve already moved on.
5.    They just don’t get you. Your significant other should be the person you turn to and confide in, but if you feel like they just don’t understand you and you’re not on the same page then it’s probably time to call it quits.
6.    You have more bad times than good. If you spend more time fighting than having fun, why are you still together?
7.    You’ve lost that loving feeling. If all the chemistry and romance is gone from your relationship and you’re more like friends, then you have to look at whether or not you want to try to inject more passion into the relationship, or if your heart just isn’t in it anymore.
8.    You just don’t see a future. Do you picture them as the person you’re walking down the aisle with? Or someone you’ll grow old with? If you just can’t see it now then chances are you never will.
9.    You don’t respect each other. If you don’t like each other as people then it’s never going to work no matter how hard you try. Once the lust and the passion wear off you need to actually like the other person’s personality. If you don’t, it’s time to call it quits.
10. You’ve given all you have to give. If you’ve had numerous fights, big talks and resolutions that things are going to change and you’re still stuck in the same rut, there’s not much more you can do. When you feel like you’ve tried everything you can at least end it knowing that you gave it your all.

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